Alan Bignon

The only expert you'll ever need.

I'm Alan, a passionate developer with a strong interest in technology and data. I enjoy working on challenging projects and constantly improving my skills across multiple domains.

This Website
It was created using purerly HTML, CSS and javascript. It serves as a platform to display my abilities in Python developpement and what kind of project I have been doing. By sharing what I have done, I hope I can attract potential employers or collaborators.
Github Workflow HTML/CSS javascript In progress
IRC Chat
This is a multi-threaded IRC chat application implemented in Python. Two implementations are available: - multi server - single server For each implementation there is a client-side code that allows users to connect to the server, join channels, and send messages and there is a server-side code capable of handling multiple clients and servers.
Each server logs relevant information (precious for debugging).
Multi-threading Python
Financial Sentiment Analysis
This project offers a comprehensive toolkit for analyzing sentiments within financial text data. Leveraging state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) techniques, machine learning algorithms and LMs fine tuning, our project provides insights into the sentiment dynamics of financial phrases.
LLM Machine Learning NLP Python
Blockchain Experiment
Basic implementation of a blockchain in Python with miner and wallet functionalities. This project was created to understand how blockchain works and how it can be and has been implemented. Smart contracts in Tezos are also programmed.
Blockchain Multi-threading Python
Native Language Detection
This project is a native language detection tool. It is able to detect the native language of person that wrote a given text in english. The project was coded in Python and uses NLP and Machine Learning algorithm.
Machine Learning NLP Python
Game Of Life
This project is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway. The game is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. The project was coded in OCaml and Python. Both version are very different and have different features.
OCaml Multi-threading Python
Android Notes Taking App
This project is a simple notes app for Android. It was created to learn Kotlin and how to create an Android app. We decided to try to only use chatgpt to generate the code as a challenge. In the end we stil had to write some code (~15%) but it was a fun experience. As a result of this experience we can say that chatgpt is not yet ready to replace human developpers. The ~15% of code we had to write was mostly to fix the code generated by chatgpt, which was not always correct. The big problem was that chatgpt was not able to understand the context of the code.
Android ChatGPT Kotlin
Basic Autograd implementation
Basic implementation of autograd in Python. This project was created to understand how autograd and neural network basic functionnality works. I followed the tutorial of Andrej Karpathy. His implementation : micrograd
Python Neural Network
My Resume
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